Best Full Stack Web Development Training with MERN Stack Course in Pokhara | Rangin TECH

Full Stack Web Development Training with MERN Stack Course in Pokhara

2+1 Months

Total Duration

Physical Session


1 Month




Rs 20000




2+1 Months

Total Duration

Physical Session


1 Month




Rs 20000




What you'll learn ?

tick Setting up a MERN stack development environment.

tick Building RESTful APIs with Node.js and Express.

tick Creating dynamic user interfaces with React.js

tick Working with MongoDB database and Mongoose ORM

tick You will learn Github or version control

tick Deploying and hosting your MERN Stack application

tick Best practices for building scalable and secure web apps

tick And lots of more cool things


Course overview

Welcome to the Rangin Technology's best full stack web Development training with MERN Stack Course in Pokhara. Rangin Technology is proud to offer the best Full Stack Website Development training with Mango DB, Express Js, React Js and Node Js. This comprehensive course will teach you everything you need to know to develop and deploy full-stack web applications using the MERN stack.

Why is MERN Stack so popular? The MERN stack is a popular JavaScript framework that is used by companies like Facebook, Airbnb, and Netflix. It is known for its scalability, performance, and ease of use. This course is the combination of MangoDB, Reach Js, Express Js and Node Js course.


Learning Hours




Month Internship



Course Outline

The course outline section serves as a roadmap, outlining the key concepts, learning outcomes, and organization of the course, helping students understand what to expect and how the material will be covered. It provides a clear structure for the course, guiding students through their learning journey.

Module 1: Introduction

  1. 1.How does the internet works?
    2.What is HTTPS?
    3.Browsers and how they work?
    4.DNS and how it works?
    5.What is Hosting ?

Module 2: HTML

  1. 1.HTML Basics
    2. Forms and Validations
    3. Conventions and Best Practices
    4. Writing semantic HTML
    5. Accessibility Basics
    6. SEO Basics

Module 3: CSS & Bootstrap

  1. 1. Basics
    2. Box Model
    3. Responsive Design
    4. Flexbox Layouts
    5. Grid Layouts
    6. Positioning
    7. Bootstrap

Module 4: JavaScript

  1. 1. Syntax
    2. Basic Constructs
    3. DOM Manipulation
    4. Fetch API
    5. ES6+ and Modular JavaScript

Module 5: Core JavaScript

  1. 1. Hoisting
    2. Event Bubbling
    3. Scope
    4. Prototype
    5. Shadow DOM
    6. Strict

Module 6: Version Control

  1. 1. GIT Basics
    2. GitHub
    3. Collaboration using GitHub
    4. GitHub Actions

Module 7: NPM

  1. 1. NPX
    2. Installing Packages (Global,Local)
    3. Updating Packages
    4. Using Installed Packages
    5. Running Scripts

Module 8: Asynchronous Programming

  1. 1. Promises
    2. Async/Await
    3. Callbacks
    4. setTimeout
    5. setInterval

Module 9: React Journey- Fundamental

  1. 1. Node Modules
    2. Vite
    3. JSX
    4. Functional Components
    5. Props and State

Module 10: React Journey- Fundamental Part 2

  1. 1. Conditional Rendering
    2. Basic Hooks (useState,useEffect)
    3. Lists and Keys
    4. Composition and Inheritance
    5. Events

Module 11: Advanced Topics

  1. 1. Writing Own Hooks
    2. Common Hooks
    3. Context
    4. Refs
    5. Render Props

Module 12: Advanced Topics Part 2

  1. 1. High Order Components
    2. Portals
    3. Error Boundaries
    4. Animation

Module 13: Ecosystem

  1. 1. React Router
    2. React Query
    3. Graph QL
    4. Axios

Module 14: Ecosystem Part 2

  1. 1. React Hook Form
    2. State Management with Context
    3. State Management with Redux
    4. Styling (Styled Components, Tailwind CSS, Chakra UI, Mantine UI, CSS in JS)
    5. Progressive Web App ( PWA )
    6. Next.js Basics

Module 15: Firebase

  1. 1. Authentication
    2. Firestore
    3. Real-Time Database
    4. Cloud Functions
    5. Cloud Messaging
    6. Cloud Storage

Module 16: Node Journey - Fundamental

  1. 1. What is Node.js
    2. Why use Node.js
    3. History of Node.Js
    4. Node.js Vs Browser
    5. Installing Node.js
    6. Running Node.js Code

Module 17: Modules

  1. 1. Common JS
    2. ESM
    3. Creating Custom Modules
    4. Global Keyword

Module 18: Error Handling

  1. 1. JavaScript Errors
    2. System Errors
    3. User Specified Errors
    4. Uncaught Exceptions
    5. Handling Async Errors

Module 19: Working with Files

  1. 1. Process.cwd()
    2. Write, Read & Append
    3. Path Module
    4. Fs Module
    5. __dirname
    6. __filename

Module 20: Working with APIs

  1. 1. Express Js Framework
    2. Axios
    3. Nodemon
    4. Database
    5. MongoDB
    6. Mangoose Package
    7. Templating Engines (ejs,pug)

Module 21: Auth and Authentication

  1. 1. Cookies & Session
    2. JSON web token
    3. Role Based
    4. Access Control
    5. Passport js

Module 22: Deployment

  1. 1. Deploying React App in Vercel
    2. Deploying React App in Netlify
    3. Deploying React App in Firebase
    4. Deploying Node Js in Railway
    5. Deploying Node Js in Heroku
    6. Deploying Node Js on Server


Learning Hours




Month Internship




  • • Complete several hands-on projects throughout the course.
  • • Gain experience with building real-world MERN Stack applications.
  • • Receive feedback and support from our experienced instructors.


  • • No prior knowledge needed.
  • • Familiarity with Node.js and React.js is helpful but not required.
  • • A computer with a stable internet connection and code editor (e.g. VS Code).

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