Mobile Apps Development Course with Flutter & Dart | Rangin TECH

Mobile Application Development Course using Flutter and Dart

1+1 Months

Total Duration

Physical Session


3 Month




Rs 15000




1+1 Months

Total Duration

Physical Session


3 Month




Rs 15000




What you'll learn ?

tick Learn Flutter and Dart from the ground up, step-by-step.

tick MASTER Dart and Flutter Framework

tick Master streams and understand reactive programming to create Flutter apps.

tick BUILD Full-fledged Apps.

tick WORK as A Cross-Platform Mobile Developer Who can Develop iOS and Android Apps.

tick Understand the different approaches for loading and maintaining data in Flutter apps


Course overview

Welcome to our Mobile Application Development Course with Flutter! Learn how to build fully functional Android/iOS apps with our hands-on, project-based physical course. Enroll now and take your app development skills to the next level!

Why is Flutter & Dart so popular? Flutter and Dart have gained immense popularity due to their ability to enable cross-platform development with a single codebase, the convenience of hot reload for faster iteration, high-performance UI rendering, a rich and customizable widget library, the simplicity and power of the Dart language, a thriving community and ecosystem, and the backing of Google, all of which make them an attractive choice for developers looking to build visually stunning, fast, and efficient applications across multiple platforms.


Learning Hours




Month Internship



Course Outline

The course outline section serves as a roadmap, outlining the key concepts, learning outcomes, and organization of the course, helping students understand what to expect and how the material will be covered. It provides a clear structure for the course, guiding students through their learning journey.

Module 1: Fundamental

  1. 1. Introduction
    2. Importance of Flutter
    3. Introduction to Dart

Module 2: Installing Dart IDE and Writing Dart

  1. 1. Installing IntelliJ IDEA
    2. Installing Dart SDK
    3. Creating a Dart Project using IntelliJ IDEA
    4. Using DartPad

Module 3: Dart Programming- Syantax

  1. 1. Introduction
    2. Main() Function
    3. Dart Variables
    4. Dart Data Types
    5. Input of Information to Dart Program
    6. Writing Comments
    7. Dart Conditional Operators

Module 4: Dart Programming- Syntax Part 2

  1. 1. If Statement
    2. If-Else Statement
    3. If Else and Else If Statement
    4. If Else and Logical Operators
    5. For Loops
    6. While Loops
    7. Do-While Loops
    8. Break Statement
    9. Switch Case Statement

Module 5: Dart Functions & OOP

  1. 1. Functions
    2. OOP
    3. Dart Project Structure and Dart Libraries

Module 6: Flutter Journey Part 1

  1. 1. Understanding Flutter
    2. Flutter Framework
    3. Android Studio
    4. Visual Studio
    5. Flutter SDK
    6. Installing and Configuring Flutter SDK
    7. Creating a New Flutter Project

Module 7: Flutter Journey Part 2

  1. 1. Setup and Android Virtual Device
    2. Run a Flutter App
    3. Testing the Flutter app on iOS and Android
    4. Android Studio Sugar and Spice
    5. Run Flutter Apps on a Hardware Device

Module 8: Flutter Journey Part 3

  1. 1. Emulator Debug Mode
    2. Widgets
    3. Material App Widgets

Module 9: Flutter Widgets Fundamentals Part 1

  1. 1. Scaffold Widget
    2. Image Widget
    3. Container Widget
    4. Column and Row Widgets
    5. Icon Widget
    6. Layouts in Flutter
    7. Card Widget

Module 10: Flutter Widgets Fundamentals Part 2

  1. 1. App Icon for iOS and Android Apps
    2. Hot Reload and Hot Restart
    3. Stateful and Stateless Widgets
    4. Use a Custom Font

Module 11: Navigation and Routing

  1. 1. Button Widget
    2. App Structure and Navigation
    3. Navigate to a New Screen and Back
    4. Navigate with Named Routes
    5. Send and Return Data Among Screens
    6. Web View Widget in Flutter

Module 12: Visual, Behavioral, and Motion -Rich Widget Implementing Material Design Guidelines – Part 1

  1. 1. Introduction
    2. Bottom Navigator Bar Widget
    3. Default Tab Controller, Tab Bar, and Tab Bar View Widget
    4. List Tile Widget
    5. List View Widget
    6. Drawer Widget
    7. Data Table Widget
    8. Selectable Text Widget
    9. Stack Widget

Module 13: Visual, Behavioral, and Motion-Rich Widgets Implementing Material Design Guidelines- Part 2

  1. 1. Input and Selection
    2. Dialogs, Alerts, and Panels

Module 14: Firebase

  1. 1. Introduction
    2. JSON
    3. Firebase Database
    4. Authentication
    5. Configure App to Use Firebase Service

Module 15: App Testing and Publishing

  1. 1. Testing and Feedback
    2. Publishing Flutter Apps


Learning Hours




Month Internship




  • • Lots of practical learning experience combined with some theory to help you gain the experience you need to become a professional Flutter developer.
  • • This course will take your game to a new level. Imagine being able to create the next Facebook or Twitter, or even getting the developer job you dream of?
  • • What about just a programming job? You can achieve all that if you study with us and really focus. We will help you along the way.


  • • No Prior Programming Knowledge Needed – We’ll go over all the requirements so you can get started.
  • • Own Computer-Mac or Window.
  • • Anyone Who Has the “I Can Do It” Mentality.
  • • You’ll have a step-by-step learning process with challenges and exercises for better retention if you’re willing to 
learn by doing.

Tools you'll learn

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